When I heard that a school's well loved worry monster would need to be self-isolating I decided to paint worry pebbles for each child in the class for when they return this week.
I cannot begin to imagine how each individual child feels right now... a multitude of thoughts and feelings, which may include, sadness, fear, loss, disconnection, lack of control, worry and anxiety. After these past few months at home, they may be worried about their friendships, wondering "Do my friends still like me?"
Each worry pebble is unique and individual. Whilst they are not quite the same as the Worry Monster, children can continue to write/draw their worries, and I'm sure these pebbles will continue to eat their worries! Writing / drawing or talking about worries can help release some anxiety. We know ourselves what it's like to bottle things up!! When we have our feelings acknowledged without judgement, when we feel listened to, a journey of hope begins. These feelings will pass!
